
          An innovative product or a process with an inventive pace and capable of industrial application can be patented. A patent Grant allows the  owner to prohibit others from making, using or  selling, or importing the invention for a period of twenty years from the date of application.

Conditions for Patent

          Following conditions require to be satisfied to obtain a Patent Grant:

          i. A new Scientific Invention

          ii. Involves an Inventive step

          iii. Capable of Industrial applicability.

Right provided by Patent

          The right to prohibit  others from make, use, sell, import and/or offer the invention for sale. Anyone is free, however, to engage in such activities unless there is a law prohibiting it.

Why to Protect the Invention

          i. It provides a monopoly to the inventor

          ii. Earns high profit margin

          iii. Reduces competition

Term of Patent

          An Indian patent grant is valid for Twenty Years

Can Idea be Patented

          The answer to this question varies from Idea to Idea. If an idea leads to a Product or process, that idea can be patented. Initially the concept can be protected by filing a  Provisional patent. A mere Business idea or Mathematical Algorithm cannot be Patented.